Web Star/List Star - Eve…he Ultimate Internet Site
StarNine Internet Pubisher (Web Star and List Star)(StarNine)(1995).iso
Tools and Enhancments
Return Subscriber List
Return Address List v1.1
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Text File
80 lines
-- StarNine Technologies, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest
-- in the following source code.
-- This source code is free and has been placed into the public domain.
-- You can redistribute it, modify it (including these comments) and/or
-- create derivative works from it as you see fit.
-- This source code is made available in the hope that it will be useful,
-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
set oldDelims to AppleScript's text item delimiters
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ":"
set thePath to (text items 1 thru -2 of ((path to me) as string)) as string
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to oldDelims
set thePath to alias (thePath & ":ADMIN:Address Lists")
-- here you enter all of your services which will use this script and their file names
-- the name can be found by choosing "Get Info" in the list editor of ListSTAR
-- hopefully a future release will eliminate the need for this
if s9MailService is "Listserver Demo" then set theFile to "Listserver Demo List"
if s9MailService is "My Own Service" then set theFile to "Listserver Demo List.0001"
--set the header of the body
set theBody to "This is a list of subscribers to the " & s9MailService & " listserver." & return & return
--get the path to the address list
set thePath to alias ((thePath as string) & theFile)
--open file for reading and read it into the variable listdata
set listfile to open for access file (thePath as string) --open the file with the digest in it
set listdata to read listfile from 1 -- read the entire file into theBody
close access listfile --close the file
on error errString number errNum
display dialog errString & " " & errNum
end try
--first parse by line
set oldDelims to AppleScript's text item delimiters
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to return
--eliminate ListSTAR's header line
set listdata to (text items 2 thru end of listdata)
--repeat with each line in the data file
repeat with theline in listdata
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to tab --distinguish free form name from email address
if (text item 1 of theline is "") then
set theBody to theBody & text item 4 of theline & return --if no ffn, only show email
on error
exit repeat
end try
else if (the first text item of theline is equal to text item 4 of theline) then --compare ffn to email
set theBody to theBody & the first text item of theline & return --if equal, only show once
else --otherwise add ffn, then tabs, then email
set theBody to theBody & (the first text item of theline)
repeat (35 - (count of characters in the first text item in theline)) times
set theBody to theBody & " "
end repeat
set theBody to theBody & (text item 4 of theline) & return
end if
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to return
end repeat
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to oldDelims
--return address list
tell application "ListSTAR Server"
StarNine Log "sending subscriber list" Log Level Debug
StarNine Send s9MailService ¬
To {FreeFormName:s9SenderName, EMailAddress:s9SenderEmailAddress} as StarNineAddress ¬
Subject "Subscribers of the " & s9MailService & ¬
" list" Body theBody
end tell
return 0